So it has been a month; and what a month it has been. Until this week, I believe Ruth and I have had a hard time fully putting ourselves where we are. It is a strange feeling to be doing something so far away and yet in the back of your mind you know you will be gone in only a few months. However, I believe we have now truly taken hold of the circumstances the Lord has put us in. We have been able to enjoy getting into the rhythm of teaching, visiting delicious restaurants, going to a gorgeous beach (all day for only 6 dollars!), getting to know the church family, understanding more the culture and people, seeing God at work here and in our own lives, and trying to praise God each day for it all. Oh, and Ruth is convinced we should take home one of the dogs.
Ruth and I are still teaching/tutoring in the mornings and doing our workshops in the afternoon. Since it has been a month, I believe we are actually starting to see progress in some students: though it may be small, but progress none-the-less!! I believe God is truly teaching us patience and servitude through this. We go through the seemingly typical teacher emotions. Some days the kids are crazy, some days half are amazing enough that you want to just hug them all day, and yet other days you don't even want to show up due to stress. (Especially when a 5th grader sneezes on your arm, shirt, and Face!) I believe I am beginning to learn that a teacher is not one who sees the fruits of their labor for a long time, if at all. Instead, teachers are really ones who plant seeds. That is a cool and yet sobering thought to ponder on.
I am still teaching one of the Sunday morning adult classes, which has been extremely fun. Though I like children, I believe I really find joy in teaching adults. Most weeks, the students are the same; which is encouraging. It is still difficult to invite them to church, but again I believe over time God allows hearts to be softened by His love shining through you. I try my best to remember that in everything I do, though I fall short and it is difficult. Tonight, (Friday) Ruth, Betsy, Jon, and myself are going to another town to begin an English class. I believe it is at one of the church plants of the Alcance and there is apparently a demand for teaching English. What another great opportunity! We will test them tonight to see their skill levels, put them in groups according to their recorded level, and then begin class every Monday night. Since Betsy and Jon are leaving the first week of May, I believe Ruth and I will each take a class so that we can continue through June. Then, the other two will be of greatly needed help for as long as they are here. Speaking of which, it has been great having so many people here from the States. There are seven of us now and it is so comforting. Having an old friend here is especially nice.
To continue the somewhat randomness of this month in review, I cannot leave out how wonderful the Lord has been. It has been a huge blessing to be provided with a large meal at lunch everyday day of the week. Sometimes, there are even leftovers that we are able to eat at night. That, and our beautiful room (with an a/c), is what the monthly 'rent' has been paying for: many thanks to the gracious hearts who supported us. The Lord has also seen fit for our hearts and minds to be worked on while we are here. Many days, we are able to learn more about how God works through this ministry, a bible study that Jeff and Lindsey provide on Thursday nights, and daily devotional readings and scripture reflections. In America, it seemed that I had a lot of distractions and too many choices. Here, my mind has been much more focused to study the word, share love in fellowship, and see His hand at work all around me!
Praise God for the provision as well. Unfortunately, finances are such an intricate part of life, but He understands. In this month and two weeks, $4,660 our of our need of $5,300 has been raised! This, in only 6 weeks out of a 4 month stay.
Will you thank God with us for that provision and the provision to come? If you so desire, could you pray with us for that to come in His timing. Would you also pray with us for God to continue to do great things with this school and the people of Brazil. May we also ask that you pray with us for God to continue to work in our own hearts and the hearts of those around here: may we humbly accept that sanctification.
Thank you so much for your love, care, and your prayers. We, too, love you all and appreciate you so much in our lives. May God Bless you.